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June 29


d. 64-68

This day is a Solemnity, an especially significant day for the Church as it commemorates the martyrdom of both men. Peter was crucified upside down, at his request, and Paul, a Roman by birth (and therefore protected from crucifixion by law), was beheaded. Both men were killed in Rome. Tradition holds they were martyred around the same time.

Did you know?

The Church recognizes Jesus's nomination of St. Peter as head of His Church, and therefore our first Pope. His ministry was directed at the Jews of Israel.
St. Paul, once a devoted Jew who persecuted Christians, lead the early Church to understand that the Gentiles are a part of Christ's mission to save.  They were two great arms of the early Church.

A family tradition...

Take a virtual tour of both St. Peter's and St. Paul's churches in Vatican City:




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