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September 14


This feast commemorates the finding of the True Cross by St. Helena (mother of Constantinople) in c.320, in Jerusalem. It was buried under a pagan temple which the Emperor commanded to be destroyed. Constantine had the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher built on the site.


Did you know?

The Cross is the universal symbol of Christianity, and the only symbol that most Protestant denominations accept as a part of their religious expressions. Christian veneration of the Cross is recorded as early as the 4th century.
***Today is our parish's Feast Day!***

A family tradition...

On this day, display a cross or crucifix in your home in a prominent place and spend time as a family praying to the Lord. Everyone may then approach the cross/crucifix in a reverent way: by kneeling before it, or bowing; touching it, or kissing it.


If you don't have a cross or crucifix in your home, it is time to obtain one! Holy Redeemer has a ministry that can help you with this.

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