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Sunday after the Epiphany

Solemnity of the

Jesus's baptism by his cousin John the Baptism is one of the mysteries of our Faith. How could God's Son need baptism? Jesus immersed Himself in all human experiences, to share in our humanity and to show us the Way.

Further, it is at Jesus's baptism that we encounter the Trinity! The Holy Spirit appears as a dove above Jesus and the Father's voice is heard from the sky: "This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).

Did you know?

The Jordan is the name of the river in which Jesus was baptised. It has the lowest elevation of any river in the world. 

A family tradition...

Renew your baptism vows! It's very easy. Read the vows using this guide. And if you have holy water at home, bless each other with it.

If you do not have holy water at home, just ask your parish to get some for your home.

Holy water is a truly wonderful sacramental to have at home at all times. 

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